And a Perfectly Timed Email Slides In....

....It's really great when you feel like shit, and you're getting broke and ready to throw in the towel and move to mexico or Australia , you know, maybe marry a bra boy get knocked up and live in maroubra forever with no direction except to maybe get some laundry done , have sex and hit the surf, drink beer ... live the dream oz style.

And then you get an email like this below to remind you , maybe just not the beer part, keep just a little direction....

Just had to pass the compliment onto you!


Begin forwarded message:
From: Miranda Zanzig <
Date: November 4, 2008 5:23:33 PM PST
To: Megan Bibbo <
Subject: RE: the see & sprout project seeking used digital cameras.

Thank you for sending that, Meg. I LOVED Stacy at your wedding and seeing what's she's done with this project (And seeing some of her artwork...) She's an amazing woman!! I want to be her when I grow up!
I LOVE YOU MY FRIEND!! We'll connect at one point or another!! HA HA!!

Miranda Zanzig
District Manager
Arbonne Independent Consultant


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