To Work Or Not To Work.

I just don't feel much like working today, it's Friday and I feel quiet and don't want to be bothered. Sometimes you need to just embrace the nothing.
I told BFF we need to start posting more pix, so this is my big happy post of the day a photo!
This is from my FABULOUS most AMAZING and perfect birthday weekend up in San Francisco and Costanoa ( a few weeks back. Costanoa is one of my most favorite spots on Earth, period. And to have all my favorite peeps there together all 22 or so of us to celebrate my new birthday was simply perfect. These are three of my dearest and favorite people too, BFF , Darrell and Ian--we pretty much look like a JCREW ad here, the whole weekend looked like this, our photos are delicious, the weekend was delicious. Oh by the way, that weekend was me and BFF"s fake wedding weekend too --which was sooooo funny. Ian was a mess, and the rest of us reveled in his pain. Pretend weddings are fun.
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